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Marukame Udon, Chatswood

I never venture out to Chatswood on my weekends because it is so far from where I actually am but when I had some commitments to attend to in Chatswood, I decided to stop by Marukame Udon because I was reading reviews about it and the majority of people loved the place.

Funny thing is as I was about to enter into the store, one of the workers comes out and offers me a free sample of their Bukkake Udon. I was already set on this meal so once I tried it I was 100% that this place would be amazing. Marukame Udon takes on a canteen style just like Menya Mappen. The one thing that this place does differently is that their noodles are hand made. 

Bukkake Udon with a slow cooked egg- $5.90 (M)
I ordered a medium Bukkake Udon with a slow cooked egg, As for my pick from the sides I chose prawn tempura because I can never go to a canteen style udon joint without some sort of tempura. I kind of overkilled on the toppings, but it made the udon taste even better. 

The noodles were soft and thicker than the usual udon noodles you see around, given the fact that they make their noodles inside the restaurant. The soup was delicious, very similar to that of Menya Mappen. I wish they gave me just a tiny bit more soup because I finished the soup before I actually finished the noodles :( Still a great meal nonetheless. The tempura was crunchy just like tempura should be. 

The service was amazing and you are greeted loudly both when you enter the store and leave the store. I really enjoyed my time here and will be visiting here again the next time I'm in Chatswood. Definitely try it if you have a love for udon! 
332 Victoria Avenue
Chatswood, NSW 2067

Marukame Udon on Urbanspoon


  1. i overkill toppings to when i go to canteen style joints! ;)
    and yeah, totally love when there is more soup to noodles ratio cause soup is just yum with noodles!

    1. Yeppp that's me as well! It just makes everything taste better

  2. i always go a tad crazy with the sides and wonder why ive got such a big bill!

    1. LOL that moment when you have to pay extra for toppings just breaks my heart

  3. That bukkake udon looks legit! Though, you're right. just by lookin at the pic, it does look like it needs more of the dashi broth.

    1. More broth would have made this udon even better :)


Thank you ! :)