HELLO AGAIN. I have somewhat been mia from this blog this past month. With exam period and all, this blog became the last thing on my mind. A lack of motivation to blog also accounts for my disappearance from the blogosphere, but I want to start up again and hopefully put up more content soon. If you've been following my Instagram you would have noticed the increasing amount of food appearing on your feed from me. These are places I've recently tried and I plan on reviewing them soon, but all I will say is that they were DELICIOUS!
I just realised my image has nothing to do with what I'm posting about, but it was just such a pretty picture. It was the view I had from the Star hotel the other week. Such a great view to wake up too, if only I could wake up to it everyday.
ooh I'm getting my exam results in a few days and I am freaking out so much. I have never freaked out this much about results, but this time is different, because the possibility of failure is higher than usual, sadly. Failing a subject isn't the end of the world, but I rather not have to repeat a subject... Wish me luck for those results! Actually, there's nothing I can really do about them now, but hey, wishful thinking that luck will change my results somehow...
Anyhow, what have you guys been up to? I'll talk to you soon again.
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